"On Becoming A Doctor" Part 3

In "On Becoming a Doctor" by Tania Heller, she guides you on advice on what study of the medical field and how to become a doctor. This Non-fictional book has three different sections, starting with the Prologue; then moving onto the interviews. Lastly, Heller has another section for a review. In the Prologue, she conversates with other doctors.

         In the last section of the book, Tania reviews the book and interviews. Heller recommends you to read this book before you look at the questions to know more in depth of what she is expressing. One of the questions says, "In order to be accepted into medical school, do you have to major in one of the sciences?", the question is then answered by saying " No, it is not necessary to major in the sciences, although many students do so."(pg. 193, question 1). This is very intriguing to me because even though I love science, the people that don't, they do not have to graduate with that major. The only horrible thing is, the other student most likely has so they will have their science requirements in already. Whereas, the person that doesn't has to come in later and take those required majors in science. Another interesting question that was answered was, "I am a college freshman interested in applying to medical school. Do you have any advice on asking for recommendations?"(pg. 194, question 1). The reply is, "It’s never too early to begin the process. Talk to your lecturers, mentors, or professors who really know you well and can speak to your knowledge, work ethic, and character. Ask if they would be willing to write letters for you. If you sense hesitation, its best to pursue other options." This answer and question is very helpful because, it helps me think ahead as a freshman in college and think about recommendations from math and science teachers now or keep some in mind for the future. 

Heller, Tania. On Becoming a Doctor: Everything You Need to Know about Medical School, Residency, Specialization, and Practice. Sourcebooks, 2009.


  1. To start off Your introduction is great it sounds very professional. The way you set up your paragraphs. They were in order logically From start to finish. You have made the book more interesting. Who knew you had to take so many classes to become a doctor. I didn't know you had to major in science to become a doctor. Did you know that it take three to seven years to get the highest major in medical school. I also like that you made the story in the perspective of a freshman in college. I'm sure consistence will get this freshman out of college and into the real medical field.


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